REALWorld Law


Developer's liability to end user

To what extent would a person who procures or carries out building works have liability for any physical damage or economic loss suffered by the end user(s) of the completed development? Can such liability be excluded in any way?



Under French Construction law, the period of time during which a party is entitled to bring a claim depends on the nature of the defect affecting the building:

  • For a 10-year period as from the date of acceptance of the works (date de réception des travaux): claims can be brought in respect of any structural damage caused to the building or where the ability to use the building is jeopardized (garantie décennale)
  • For a two-year period as from the date of acceptance of the works: claims can be brought in respect of damage to plant, equipment and machinery (garantie biennale)
  • Within one year from the date of acceptance of the works (garantie de parfait achèvement): claims can be brought in respect of defects or non-conformity which were apparent at the acceptance of the works or that appeared during this period

These liabilities are mandatory and cannot be excluded by contract.

Construction risks are also covered through insurance. The insurance coverage for construction projects, decennial civil liability policies (responsabilité civile décennale) and damage to property policy (dommage-ouvrage) are mandatory.