REALWorld Law

Sale and purchase

Ownership restrictions

Are there any legal restrictions on foreign investors acquiring real estate?




The General Office for Trade and Investments (Dirección General de Comercio e Inversiones) must be notified of foreign investments in real estate if they are valued at more than €3,005,060.52 or originate from a tax haven.

Official forms DP2, D2A or D2B must be completed by the foreign investor where investing in real estate assets, further to legal resolution issued by the Dirección General de Comercio Internacional e Inversiones on 27 July 2016.

Military authorization will be required, by virtue of the Decree 689/1978 of 10 February, for foreign investment by directly purchasing a commercial real estate asset in the following territories:

  • Spanish islands
  • Spanish peninsular territory: Cartagena, Galicia, Strait of Gibraltar, bay of Cádiz, the border area with Portugal, France and in the Spanish territories in the north of Africa

For these territories, certain quotas for total foreign investment have been established.