REALWorld Law

Real estate finance

Taxes and fees

Are taxes or fees paid on the granting and enforcement of security over real estate, such as documentary taxes, registration fees and notaries' fees?



The following taxes and fees are payable in relation to the granting of security over real estate:

  • Notaries' fees are payable in fairly substantial amounts in respect of any security document executed as a notarial deed, and such fees vary in proportion to the secured amount
  • Nominal stamp duty
  • Registration tax:
    • €200, if the grantor is securing its own obligations
    • 0.5% of the secured amount (or, in relation to shares ie, azioni, the value of the shares, if lower; quotas of limited liability companies (S.r.l.) are taxable only according to the secured amount according to the prevailing interpretation adopted by the tax authorities), if securing third parties' obligations
  • Mortgage tax is payable at 2% of the secured amount (further 0.5% is due in case of deletion of the mortgage).

To avoid paying registration tax, mortgages and cadastral tax, stamp duties, governmental duties and other tax and duties (other than income tax and withholding taxes), which are otherwise payable in connection with a facility agreement and (subject to the exception listed below), connected finance documents, including security documents, it is possible to apply Substitute Tax (imposta sostitutiva).

Substitute Tax is an umbrella tax (currently) at a flat rate of 0.25% of the principal amount of the loan from time to time effectively drawn down (Substitute Tax is normally retained by the bank from the advance) but only applies where certain conditions are met and only to particular types of financial transactions, as follows:

  • Where the loan has a contractual duration of at least 18 months and one day.
  • Where the loan is advanced by EU Banks or Italian branches of EU Banks securitization vehicles established according to Italian securitization law, insurance companies established and authorized according with laws and regulations of EU Member States, and investment collective funds established in an EU member State or in a EEA white listed country.
  • Where the facility agreement is executed in Italy.

The enforcement costs are substantially limited to the following charges:

  • Legal fees for the drafting of all judicial deeds required
  • Notarial fees for the preparation of the property documentation
  • Court fees for case filing (contributo unificato) of the application for sale, currently fixed at €200
  • Fees for the technical appraisal evaluating the property
  • Notarial fees where the procedure is led by a public notary appointed by the court
  • Costs for the publications of the sale offer ordered by the court (depending on the costs charged by the single newspapers or other publication means)
  • Fiscal charges related to filing the seizure (trascrizione del pignoramento immobiliare) currently a fixed amount of €299 payable with F23 model.