REALWorld Law

Commercial leases

Repairing the leased space

Who pays for the maintenance and repair of the real estate actually occupied by the tenant?



According to statutory law, the landlord is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the leased property. However, most leases contain an apportionment of responsibility by which the landlord will be responsible for the structure, external appearance and common areas (Dach und Fach) and the tenant will be responsible for maintaining the interior. According to recent case law, however, the tenant may not be charged all the costs of maintenance and repair of the rented premises, as long as it cannot be ruled out that the defects may have been caused by the previous use of the rented premises. In this case the contractual chargeable amount must be caped to 6-10% of the annual net rent. Recent case law indicates that many German lease agreements contain potentially invalid provisions regarding decorative repairs. Such provisions are usually considered to be general terms and conditions and German case law imposes strict rules on the validity of these. In particular, a provision obliging the tenant to carry out decorative repairs at contractually fixed intervals irrespective of the actual state of the premises is invalid since it places the tenant at an unreasonable disadvantage.