REALWorld Law



Does the law state what has to be achieved before 'completion' of the building works can be certified and, if so, can this be overridden by specific terms in the contract? Who would certify completion of building works carried out in accordance with a construction contract?



The building works are taken over by the employer when completion of the works has been reported by the contractor to the employer. In certain cases, a trial operation lasting for at least 30 days is also required. As part of the takeover procedure, the employer inspects the works and any deficiencies, defects and warranty claims are recorded. Minor defects not affecting ordinary use usually do not entitle the employer to reject taking over the works.

For the purpose of issuing the occupancy permit the representatives of the relevant authorities also conduct a site visit in order to determine whether the works have been carried out and completed in compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and the building permit and whether the works are suitable for the intended use and occupation.

The parties may also agree that the certification of completion is referred to a third-party certifier, such as an architect or engineer. This is also common in FIDIC (and FIDIC-based) construction contracts.