REALWorld Law


Health and safety

In this country, what are the main rules relating to health and safety on construction sites? Do these rules in any way relate to the use of the development after construction is completed?

United Arab Emirates - Dubai

United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Health and safety laws and requirements are governed by both the federal law of the UAE and the law of the emirate of Dubai. The principal law governing entities and employees in relation to health and safety is the Labour Law. In addition, various Decisions of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs are also relevant.

The Labour Law and Ministerial Decisions set out the main standards suitable for occupational health and safety and imposes obligations on both the employer and the employee. An example of these obligations is the obligation on the employer to display the health and safety requirements on site in a prominent position and in the language of the employees. Training must be conducted on the dangers of not complying with the instructions as well as other general preventative measures to be taken.

The Labour Law needs to be taken into consideration after the completion of construction.

In addition to the federal law, Dubai has additional codes of practice, circulars and technical decisions relating to specific environmental and occupational health and safety issues. These are very specific and are issued by Dubai Municipality, JAFZA and TECOM, depending on where the construction takes place. Examples include circulars regarding asbestos and its disposal, hazardous wastes and hot working conditions.