REALWorld Law

Corporate vehicles

Minimum capital

What is the minimum capital required to set up each type of corporate vehicle used to invest in real estate?



The minimum share capital requirements are as follows:

  • LDA:  no minimum share capital required. Shareholders are free to agree on the share capital amount as they see fit.
  • SA: the equivalent in kwanzas to US$20,000.


The minimum capital required to set up one of the corporate vehicles previously mentioned is ARS100,000.



None of the corporate vehicles normally used for real estate investment in Australia has a minimum capital requirement.



Private limited company (besloten vennootschap (BV)/société à responsabilité limitee (SRL)

For the private limited company there is no longer a minimum capital. The incorporators must ensure however that the company has a capital base that is sufficient in the light of the intended activity and also in view of the other sources of financing. When the company is being incorporated, they must therefore be able to present a financial plan showing the aforementioned.

Public limited company (naamloze vennootschap, NV/société anonyme, SA)

Currently, still EUR61,500 fully paid up. Above the minimum each share must be paid in up to 25%.


EUR1,200,000 to be fully paid up at all times.


ELTIF Regulations does not prescribe minimum capital.



Limited liability companies

KM 1,000 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and KM 1 in the Republika Srpska

Joint stock companies

In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina the minimum capital requirement is KM 50,000, while in the Republika Srpska, it is KM 20,000 without a public offering and KM 50,000 with a public offering.

Unlimited partnerships and limited partnerships

Partnerships do not have minimum or maximum capital requirements.



No minimum capital is required for Sociedades Limitadas and Sociedades Anônimas, except where certain regulated activities (such as banking and insurance) are to be carried out; or a foreign person is expected to obtain a resident visa to work as an officer/manager of the Brazilian company. In this case a minimum capital of BRL150,000 plus the commitment to create ten job positions; or a paid-in foreign capital amounting to at least BRL600,000 is required for visa purposes. However, there is a requirement that at least 10% of the stated capital must be paid up when the SA is incorporated.

Regarding FIIs, the public offer of shares may establish a minimum amount to be subscribed by the investors.



There are no minimum capital requirements.



Where the total investment amount is at least US$10 million, the registered capital of a real estate foreign invested enterprise must be an amount representing at least 50% of its total investment amount.



If the SPV is a commercial society, a branch of a foreign company or an autonomous patrimony, there is no minimum capital required to invest in real estate.



Limited liability company (društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću – doo)


Public limited liability company (dioničko društvo – dd)


Public partnership (javno trgovačko društvo – jtd)

No minimum capital is required.

Limited partnership (komanditno društvo – kd)

No minimum capital is required.


Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Limited liability company (společnost s ručením omezeným – s.r.o.)


Joint stock company (akciová společnost – a.s.)

CZK2,000,000 or €80,000

Unlimited partnership (veřejná obchodní společnost – v.o.s.)

Not applicable

Limited partnership (komanditní společnost – k.s.)

The partnership contract stipulates the minimum amount of the limited partner's contribution



Partnership (Interessentskab)

There is no minimum capital required to set up a partnership.

Public limited company (Aktieselskab)

A public limited company must have a minimum share capital of DKK 400,000. There is no maximum share capital. A minimum of 25% of the share capital must be paid when the company is registered.

Private limited company (Anpartsselskab)

A private limited company must have a minimum share capital of DKK 40,000. There is no maximum share capital. A minimum of 25% of the share capital but not less than DKK 40,000 must be paid when the company is registered.

Limited partnership (Kommanditselskab)

There is no minimum capital required to set up a limited partnership.

Limited partnership company (Partnerselskab)

A limited partnership company must have a minimum share capital of DKK 400,000. There is no maximum share capital. A minimum of 25% of the share capital must be paid when the company is registered.



SCI (société civile immobilière) - real estate civil company


SNC (société en nom collectif) - commercial partnership


SARL (société à responsabilité limitée) – limited liability company


SA (société anonyme) – stock corporation


SAS (société par action simplifiée) – simplified stock corporation


SCPI (société civile de placement immobilier) – real estate civil investment company

€760,000 (each share must have a minimum face value of €150)

SIIC (société d’investissement immobilier cotée) – listed real estate investment company




Note that any of the relevant entities could qualify as an alternative investment fund (AIF), in which case special regulatory and tax rules might apply.

Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) – limited liability company

In general EUR25,000.

However, German legislation offers an alternative entity (an Unternehmergesellschaft) with a registered share capital as low as €1. This specific corporate form is not very suitable for real estate investments since third parties may be reluctant to do business with an entity with such a limited registered share capital. In addition, profits may not be distributed in full but must instead be partially retained. Therefore, potential investors are advised to use a GmbH with a registered share capital of at least EUR25,000.

Experience so far has shown, however, that the Unternehmergesellschaft has gained popularity as the form of entity for a general partner within a limited partnership.

Aktiengesellschaft (AG) – stock corporation


Real estate investment trust (REIT)


Immobilien Sondervermögen – real estate fund

N/A – the Net Asset Value (NAV) depend on the investment purpose and strategy of the relevant fund.

Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) – limited partnership

Can be as low as EUR1. However, if a limited liability company (GmbH) is chosen as general partner, the requirement applicable to that entity applies.

Hong Kong, SAR

Hong Kong, SAR


The Companies Ordinance does not prescribe any requirement for a minimum amount of nominal share capital. A company limited by shares incorporated in Hong Kong can be formed by at least one founder shareholder taking at least one share in the company.

Branches of a foreign corporation

There are no minimum capital requirements.


There are no minimum capital requirements, although the partnership agreement may set out the initial capital that each of the partners must contribute to the partnership.


There are no minimum capital requirements.



Limited liability company (korlátolt felelősségű társaság)(kft)

HUF3,000,000 (with a minimum of HUF100,000 per member)1

Company limited by shares (részvénytársaság)(zrt or nyrt)

  • Private company limited by shares (zrt): HUF5 million
  • Public company limited by shares (nyrt): HUF20 million (nevertheless, in the case of a regulated real estate investment fund, commonly named as a REIT (a real estate investment trust) the initial capital requirement (including subscribed capital, capital reserve and profit reserve) is at least HUF5 billion)2

Limited partnership (betéti társaság)(bt)

There is no minimum capital requirement.3

Unlimited partnership (közkereseti társaság)(kkt)

There is no minimum capital requirement.4

Real estate investment fund

Investment fund manager (a company limited by shares or a branch office of a foreign company)

Normally EUR300,000 but can be higher in some cases.5 If the investment fund manager operates as a branch office, the minimum capital is the endowment capital (ie the capital provided to the branch, free of restrictions and encumbrances, in order to allow it to operate). The endowment capital requirement does not apply to the branch office of an investment fund manager established in another EU member state.

In order to maintain the continuity in its operations and to protect investors, investment fund managers shall have sufficient own funds to cover any and all risks associated with their activities, which may not be less than EUR300,000 or the sum equivalent to at least 25% of fixed overheads of the preceding year.6

Investment fund

  • Public real estate investment funds: HUF1 billion7
  • Private real estate investment funds: HUF500 million8


1Civil Code (Act V of 2013) 3:161.§ (1)
2Civil Code 3:212.§ (2); Act CII of 2011 3.§
3Civil Code 3:154.§
4Civil Code 3:138.§
5Act XVI of 2014 on Collective Investment Trusts and Their Managers, and on the Amendment of Financial Regulations 16.§
6Act XVI of 2014. 16.§ (3)
7Act XVI of 2014, 68.§ (1) b
8Act XVI of 2014, 68.§ (2) b




A public limited company must have a minimum share capital of €25,000, at least 25% of which must be fully paid-up before the company commences business or exercises any borrowing powers. A private company limited by shares and an unlimited company have no minimum capital requirements but they must issue at least one share upon incorporation. This share can have a low nominal amount per share (eg €0.01).

Collective investment vehicle

For a unit trust or CCF there is no minimum capital requirement, although the offering document may specify the minimum viable size below which the CIS will not launch. A VCC or ICAV, established in accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive as a self-managed Alternative Investment Fund, that does not employ a management company or fund administration company must have a minimum paid-up share capital of €125,000 within three months of authorization by the Central Bank of Ireland.

The initial capital requirement for the management company of an AIF or UCITS (Undertaking for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) is €125,000. When the net asset value of the CIS under management exceeds €250 million, a management company must provide an additional amount of capital equal to 0.02% of the amount by which the net asset value exceeds €250 million. The total of the initial capital requirement and any additional amount held by the management company is not required to exceed €10 million.

The minimum capital requirement for a management company of an AIF or UCITS is the higher of the initial capital requirement plus an additional amount (if required) and  one quarter of its total expenditure taken from the most recent annual accounts.

Limited partnership

Individual partners contribute partnership capital as set out in the limited partnership agreement. A statement of the amount of capital contributed by each limited partner must be provided to the CRO together with the application to register the limited partnership. General partners are not required to contribute capital to the limited partnership.

Real Estate Investment Trust

The minimum capital requirement for a public limited company (which is the typical corporate form of a REIT) is €25,000.



Società a responsabilità limitata (S.r.l.)

The minimum corporate capital required to set up an S.r.l. is fixed at EUR10,000. However, according to section 2463, paragraph 5 of the Italian Civil Code, if an S.r.l. is established with a corporate capital lower than EUR10,000, the following provisions shall apply:

  • contributions-in-kind are not permitted;
  • cash contributions must be delivered to the directors of the company;
  • an amount corresponding to 1/5 of the net income resulting from the relevant financial statements must be allocated to a special legal reserve until the net worth of the company reaches at least EUR10,000; and
  • such reserve may be used only for the accrual of the corporate capital or to cover losses, if any.

Furthermore, the corporate capital shall be entirely paid up in case the S.r.l. is incorporated by only one member (so called ‘S.r.l. unipersonale’).

Società a responsabilità limitata semplificata (S.r.l.s.)

The corporate capital required to set up an S.r.l.s. can be between EUR1 and EUR9,999. No corporate entity can qualify as a shareholder of an S.r.l.s.

Società per azioni (S.p.A.)

The minimum corporate capital required to set up an S.p.A. is fixed at EUR50,000.




There is no minimum capital amount required.

GK (for TK-GK)

There is no minimum capital amount required.

GK (for Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise using TK-GK)

To obtain the real estate specified joint enterprise operator license, the minimum capital amount is JPY100 million.

There is no minimum capital amount for the filing of a Special Enterprise.  (To be an Item 3 operator, the minimum capital amount is JPY50 million , and to be an Item 4 operator, it is JPY10 million.)

Investment Corporation (for J-REIT)

The minimum capital amount is JPY100 million.  For an investment corporation to be listed, the minimum net asset amount is JPY1,000 million.



Limited liability company (B.V.)

No minimum capital requirements.

Public limited company (N.V.)


Co-operative (Coöperatieve U.A.)

No capital requirements.

Fiscal investment vehicle (Fiscale Beleggings Instelling)

Nil/€45,000 (depending on which type of entity is used).

Limited Partnership (Commanditaire Vennootschap)

No minimum capital requirements.

Mutual fund (fonds voor gemene rekening)

No capital requirements.

New Zealand

New Zealand

There are no minimum capitalization requirements for any of the corporate vehicles used for real estate investment in New Zealand. However, for a trust to be constituted there needs to be an asset or assets over which the trust is made.



Private Limited Liability Company

A private limited liability company is required to have a minimum issued share capital of NGN100,000, with all of its share capital allotted to its subscribers at incorporation. However worth noting that the minimum issued share capital for Nigerian companies with foreign participation is NGN10 million.

The Ministry of Interior issued a revised Handbook on Expatriate Quota Administration 2022 (the “Handbook”), under which a Nigerian company with foreign participation seeking to obtain expatriate quota is required to have a minimum share capital requirement to One Hundred Million Naira (NGN100,000,000). In practice, the Corporate Affairs Commission requires all companies with foreign participation are required to have a minimum share capital of NGN100,000,000.

Public Limited Liability Company

A public limited liability company is required to have a minimum issued share capital of NGN2,000,000 with a 100% of its share capital allotted to its subscribers.

Real Estate Investment Trust

The minimum paid up capital for a Fund Manager is NGN150 million, while the minimum paid up capital for the Trustees is NGN300 million. An initial public offer for units of the investment scheme must be a minimum of NGN1 billion, while subsequent offers cannot be less than NGN500 million.

Real Estate Investment Company

A private limited company is required to have a minimum issued share capital of NGN100,000, while a public company is required to have a minimum issued share capital of NGN2,000,000. An initial public offer for units of the investment scheme must be a minimum of NGN1 Billion, while subsequent offers cannot be less than NGN500,000.



Aksjeselskap/AS (private limited company)


Allmennaksjeselskap/ASA (public limited company)

NOK1 million

Kommandittselskap/KS (limited partnership)

The minimum contribution for a limited partner (kommandittist) is NOK 20,000 and the minimum contribution for the general partner with unlimited liability (komplementar) is 1/10 of the company’s capital subject to a minimum of NOK 2,223. Thus, the minimum capital required is NOK 22,223.

Ansvarlig selskap/ANS (general partnership with unlimited liability) and ansvarlig selskap/DA (general partnership with pro rata liability)

No minimum contribution is required.



Limited liability company

PLN 5,000. The nominal value of each share cannot be lower than PLN50.

Joint stock company

PLN 100,000. The nominal value of each share cannot be lower than PLN0.01.

Simple joint stock company

PLN 1.

Limited partnership

There is no minimum capital for a limited partnership.

Unlimited partnership

There is no minimum capital for an unlimited partnership.

Closed-end real estate investment fund

The management company’s initial minimum capital must be no less than the PLN equivalent of €125,000. If the scope of the management company's activities includes discretionary management of a securities portfolio, the initial minimum capital must be the PLN equivalent of €730,000.

Total payments to the fund, to the amount stipulated in the fund's articles of association, must be at least PLN 4,000,000. Where the fund issues non-public investment certificates, the total minimum amount of payments to the fund will be set out in the fund’s articles of association.



Sociedade por Quotas (SQ)

Minimum share capital of €1 or great than or equal to €2, where the company is owned by one or two or more shareholders respectively.

Sociedade Anónima (SA)

Minimum share capital of €50,000.



Unlimited partnership

There is no requirement for minimum capital.

Limited partnership

There is no requirement for minimum capital.

Joint stock company

RON 90,000 (which can be amended by the Government to the equivalent of €25,000, once every two years and so we recommend that when such a company is registered, the subscribed capital should be at least the RON equivalent of €25,000).

Partnership limited by shares

As for a joint stock company

Limited liability company

There is no requirement for minimum capital.

Slovak Republic

Slovak Republic

Limited liability company

The minimum capital required to set up a limited liability company is €5,000 (the minimum contribution by each shareholder to the share capital amounts to €750). The total value of paid-up contributions must amount to at least 50% of the minimum amount of registered capital.

Joint-stock company

The minimum capital required to set up a joint-stock company is €25,000.

Unlimited partnership

No minimum capital is required by law.

Limited partnership

Not applicable. However, limited partners must contribute at least €250 to the partnership.


The minimum capital required to set up a simple joint-stock company is €1.



Limited liability company – sociedad de responsabilidad limitada (SL)


Public company – sociedad anónima (SA)


Limited partnership – sociedad en comandita (S. en Com. or S. Com.)

Not applicable.

Partnership limited by shares – sociedad en comandita por acciones (S.Com. p. A.)


General partnership – sociedad de responsabilidad colectiva

There is no minimum capital set by law for the sociedad de responsabilidad colectiva.

Real estate investment fund – fondo de inversión inmobiliario (FII)

For an FII: €9 million.  The number of unit holders must be at least 100.

Real estate investment company – sociedad de inversión inmobiliaria (SII)

€9 million. The law requires that this sum is completely disbursed when the company is formed. There must be at least 100 shareholders.

Real estate investment Trust – sociedad anónima cotizada de inversión inmobiliaria (SOCIMI)

€5 million. The law requires that this sum is completely disbursed when the company is admitted to trading. The minimum number of shareholders will depend on the listing of the Company´s shares in the MAB or in the Stock Exchange.



Limited liability company

SEK 25,000 for a private limited liability company and SEK 500,000 for a public limited liability company.


There is no minimum capital requirement for partnerships.



Limited Company

The limited company can be formed with a minimal registered capital starting from THB 15.


A REIT in Thailand must have a minimum capital of THB 500 million.

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

(a) Within Abu Dhabi and outside the Abu Dhabi Global Market free zone

Limited liability company (LLC)

The UAE Companies Law does not prescribe any minimum share capital for an LLC. The LLC is required to have adequate share capital to achieve the purpose of its incorporation. Therefore, the adequate capital required for an LLC can be decided by its shareholders. There is no guidance issued to indicate the level of adequacy and neither is there any decision on the minimum share capital. The shares should be comprised of equal shares. In practice a notary public would usually accept a minimum share capital for an LLC in Abu Dhabi of AED 150,000 divided into equal shares, each with a minimum value of AED 1,000. Public subscription for shares is not permitted and the share capital must be paid up in full.

Although the UAE Companies Law provides that the shares in cash shall be deposited in a UAE registered bank, presently, there is no requirement to provide evidence of the deposit of the share capital in the bank.  Details of its share capital will be included in the LLC's memorandum of association which will need to be notarised by the UAE notary public as part of the incorporation process.

Public joint-stock company (PJSC)

The minimum limit of the issued capital of a PJSC is AED 30 million. This increases in the case of banks and insurance companies.

Given the substantial capital requirement, and the fairly restrictive rules of establishment and management, it is often not a suitable corporate vehicle for overseas investors wishing to establish a vehicle for investment purposes.

Private joint-stock company (private JSC)

The minimum share capital required is AED 5 million.

(b) Within the Abu Dhabi Global Market free zone

In the Abu Dhabi Global Market free zone, a public company’s minimum required allotted share capital is USD 50,000. Private companies do not have a minimum capital requirement.

United Arab Emirates - Dubai

United Arab Emirates - Dubai

a) Within Dubai and outside of the free zones

Limited liability company (LLC)

The UAE Companies Law does not prescribe any minimum share capital for an LLC. The LLC is required to have adequate share capital to achieve the purpose of its incorporation. Therefore, the adequate capital required for an LLC can be decided by its shareholders. There is no guidance issued to indicate the level of adequacy and neither is there any decision on the minimum share capital. The shares should be comprised of equal shares. In practice a notary public would usually accept a minimum share capital for an LLC in Dubai of AED 100,000 divided into equal shares, each with a minimum value of AED 1,000. Public subscription for shares is not permitted and the share capital must be paid up in full.

Although the UAE Companies Law provides that the shares in cash shall be deposited in a UAE registered bank, presently, there is no requirement to provide evidence of the deposit of the share capital in the bank. Details of its share capital will be included in the LLC's memorandum of association which will need to be notarised by the UAE notary public as part of the incorporation process.

Public joint-stock company (PJSC)

The minimum limit of the issued capital of a PJSC is AED 30 million. This increases in the case of banks and insurance companies.

Given the substantial capital requirement, and the fairly restrictive rules of establishment and management, it is often not a suitable corporate vehicle for overseas investors wishing to establish a vehicle for investment purposes.

Private joint-stock company (private JSC)

The minimum share capital required is AED 5 million.

b) Within the Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority

There is no minimum share capital requirement for JAFZA offshore companies.  However JAFZA can change this at any time.  There is no requirement to deposit the share capital in a UAE registered bank and therefore it is not necessary to provide evidence of the deposit of the share capital in the bank.

UK - England and Wales UK - England and Wales

UK - England and Wales

Limited partnership

Must include at least one limited partner and limited partners must at the time of entering the partnership contribute a sum as capital valued at a stated amount. No pure capital can be returned to investors except on the winding up of the partnership without attracting clawback risk on such amounts (unless the limited partnership is designated a ‘private fund limited partnership’, in which case no such restriction applies). Although there is no legal minimum, there will be a threshold for commercial viability to ensure the professional costs of the establishment and administration of a property fund are met.

Limited liability partnership

No minimum requirement other than for commercial viability. No distinction is required between the capital and the loan commitments from investors.

Investment syndicate trust

No minimum requirement other than for commercial viability.

Property unit trust

In the case of a fund authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) directed at retail investors it is likely that the fund’s prospectus will contain a minimum overall funding target so that there is a realistic prospect that the investment objective can be achieved and the manager remunerated on a commercially viable basis, because retail funds have to meet mandatory diversification requirements and will have certain fixed operation costs. The minimum target (the minimum aggregate subscription for viability) depends on the fund’s investment objectives and the remuneration expectations of the manager.

Non FCA-authorised funds often have a narrower investment focus and target a narrower investor basis (for example institutional investors only). There is more flexibility concerning the minimum amount that needs to be raised to reach the viability threshold.

Limited company

There are no minimum subscription requirements for a private limited company.

Public limited company

The minimum authorised amount of share capital for a public company is £50,000, of which at least 25% (of the nominal amount and of any premium) must be paid up.


There is no minimum capital requirement but the company must be listed in most circumstances.

UK - Scotland

UK - Scotland

Limited partnership

There must be at least one limited partner and limited partners must at the time of entering the partnership contribute a sum as capital valued at a stated amount. No pure capital can be returned to investors except on the winding up of the partnership without attracting clawback risk on such amounts. Although there is no legal minimum, there will be a threshold for commercial viability to ensure the professional costs of the establishment and administration of a property fund are met.

Limited liability partnership

No minimum requirement other than for commercial viability. No distinction is required between the capital and the loan commitments from investors.

Investment syndicate trust

No minimum requirement other than for commercial viability.

Property unit trust

In the case of a fund authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) directed at retail investors it is likely that the fund’s prospectus will contain a minimum overall funding target so that there is a realistic prospect that the investment objective can be achieved and the manager remunerated on a commercially viable basis, because retail funds have to meet mandatory diversification requirements and will have certain fixed operation costs. The minimum target (the minimum aggregate subscription for viability) depends on the fund’s investment objectives and the remuneration expectations of the manager.

Non-FCA-authorized funds often have a narrower investment focus and target a narrower investor basis (for example institutional investors only). There is more flexibility concerning the minimum amount that needs to be raised to reach the viability threshold.

Private limited company

There are no minimum subscription requirements for a private limited company.

Public limited company

The minimum authorised amount of share capital for a public company is £50,000 or the prescribed euro equivalent, currently set at EUR 57,100, of which at least 25% (of the nominal amount and of any premium) must be paid up.


There is no minimum capital requirement, but the company must be listed, therefore, a REIT will be subjected to the capital requirements of the relevant stock exchange.



Limited liability company and additional liability company

As from April 2011 there are no requirements as to the minimum charter capital of a limited liability company or additional liability company.

Joint-stock company

The minimum charter capital of a joint-stock company should not be less than 1,250 times the minimum monthly wage stipulated by Ukrainian legislation at the moment of registration. The minimum share capital is about UAH 7.5 million.

Partnership and commandite partnership

There is no minimum charter capital requirement.

United States

United States

US limited partnership, US limited liability company and US general partnership

While there are generally no legal minimum capital requirements imposed by law, lenders and other third parties contracting with the partnership or LLC may impose certain minimum capital requirements.



Unit Trusts and REITs

Investment management companies (asset managers) and collective investment schemes are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZ). In terms of the licensing requirements, the collective investment schemes and the asset management company must have Capital adequacy requirement of net assets of USD500,000.

In terms of statutory instrument 218 of 2022, the initial listing fees for REITs are set as 0.05% of the value of securities, subject to a minimum fee of USD5,500 and maximum fee of USD67,300.

The annual listing fees, which are dependent on the market capitalisation are prescribed as follows: 

                                               Market Capitalization  (USD)





















































Applicable additional Listing Fees are determined as being 0.05% of the value of securities subject to a maximum fee of USD43,000 prorated from the date of listing to the next billing date.

Limited company

There are no minimum subscription requirements for a private limited company although in practice, companies usually start up with a low nominal amount of capital to avoid high stamp duties.

Public limited company

No minimum capital requirements are contained in the COBE Act. However, public limited companies may be required to have a certain amount of capital in the form of shares and the company must be listed on the Stock Exchange.

According to the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange listing rules, property companies and listed companies which carry out certain property-related transactions are subject to additional disclosure requirements, principally relating to valuations. Property dealing companies may be subject to different treatment depending on the circumstances of each case.