REALWorld Law

Real estate finance


Will a clause in a security document making a foreign law apply be recognized and applied by the local courts? Does local law always apply in certain circumstances?



Pursuant to Article 51 of law no. 218 of 31 May 1995, which regulates Italian private international law and relevant conflicts of laws, security over Italian assets or real estate (which includes mortgages, privilegio speciale, pledges of shares or quotas, pledges of bank accounts and pledges of receivables or claims), and the creation, assignment and release of such security, must be governed by Italian law. Article 51 is a rule which cannot be varied by agreement between the parties.

An assignment of receivables is governed by Section 12 of the Rome Convention of 1980 (ratified by Italy in 1984), and accordingly the parties are free to choose the applicable law. While technically remaining an assignment, the assignment of receivables by way of security is normally treated as a security in Italy, and it is often seen as preferable for it to be governed by Italian law.