REALWorld Law

Real estate finance


Will a clause in a security document making a foreign law apply be recognized and applied by the local courts? Does local law always apply in certain circumstances?



European Union Regulations in relation to choice of law apply in Ireland. In general, if a choice of law is a sensible choice (ie not chosen to deliberately avoid a national law or policy) the Irish courts will give effect to it.

As a general rule, enforcement is more likely to run smoothly if Irish law is chosen to govern a security document under which an Irish person creates security over an Irish asset.

Irish law should be chosen to govern a security document over an Irish real estate asset (whether the charging party is Irish or not). The security document will have to contain the necessary mandatory charging provisions in order to create enforceable security over the Irish real estate asset in question.

Where the assets that are the subject of security include assets situated in another country, a security document governed by the law of that other country will often be appropriate in relation to those assets.