REALWorld Law

Real estate finance

Trading of debt

Is secured debt traded between lenders? If so, how is a transfer of the debt to another lender effected?



Pursuant to Article 1260 of the Italian Civil Code, a creditor (ie, a lender) can transfer its claim vis-à-vis a debtor (ie, a borrower) even without its consent, provided that the claim does not have a strictly personal nature or that the transfer is not forbidden by law. The transfer of the claims has effect against the assigned debtor only when, if it has not been accepted by the debtor, it is notified to the debtor in writing. Therefore, the transfer has no effect against the debtor prior to notification, although it is possible to prove that the debtor was aware of the transfer.

Pursuant to Article 1263 of the Italian Civil Code the execution of the transfer agreement will carry out a valid transfer of both the portion of loan and of the relevant security or guarantees between the parties. However, as a general rule, the transfer of the security or guarantees will not be effective or enforceable against third parties until the transfer formalities for the relevant security are complied with. In addition, pursuant to Articles 1263, sub-paragraph 2, and 1264 of the Italian Civil Code the assignor may not transfer to the assignee possession of the pledged item without the prior consent of the assigned debtor; in the event of disagreement, the assignor retains custody of the pledged assets.

Syndication of a loan may have an adverse fiscal impact because it will be necessary, on syndication, to transfer the existing security to all the new lenders and further registration taxes could be payable, so the tax implication of a transfer will need to be carefully assessed.