REALWorld Law

Sale and purchase

Seller's warranties

What seller's warranties are provided under statute in the sale of real estate in this country (for example, as to the state of the building, asbestos etc)?

UK - England and Wales UK - England and Wales

UK - England and Wales

No warranties need to be given by law, and warranties related to the state and condition of the building are very rare. However, it is common practice for sellers to give a level of ‘title guarantee’ confirming that there are no defects in the title and undertaking to assist the buyer in registering as the new owner.

Any matters which the seller has already disclosed to the buyer or which should be revealed by the buyer's searches are excluded from the seller's guarantee.

Since warranties are not compulsory they can be varied to suit the parties involved in the transaction.

Any claims under the title guarantee need to be made within 12 years of the date of the transfer deed.