REALWorld Law

Planning / zoning

Rights of appeal

Is there a right of appeal against a relevant authority's decision in respect of an application for permission for development or the carrying on of a designated use?



Each of the following three regions allow for the ability for a party to appeal against a decision.

In the Flemish Region, in the integrated permit procedure, permits can be delivered by the municipal council, the Deputation of the Province or the Flemish Government. The possibilities of appeal change as following:

  • An administrative appeal against a decision of the municipal council can be submitted to the Deputation of the Province within 30 days after notification of the decision. An appeal in annulation (and/or suspension) against the decision of the Deputation of the Province can be submitted with the Council for Permit Disputes within 45 days of notification of the permit;
  • An administrative appeal against a decision of the Deputation of the Province can be submitted to the Flemish Government within 30 days after notification of the decision. An appeal in annulation (and/or suspension) against the decision of the Flemish Government can be submitted with the Council for Permit Disputes within 45 days of notification of the permit; and
  • Against a decision of the Flemish Government or the regional permit officer, only an appeal in annulation (and/or suspension) is possible, submitted with the Council for Permit Disputes within 45 days of notification of the permit.

The legal effect of an annulment of the Council for Permit Disputes is that the relevant decision is considered to have never existed in law. The legal effect of a suspension of a permit decision, is that this decision has no legal effect, for as long as it is suspended. The Council for Permit Disputes decides on the suspension procedure before it decides on the annulation procedure.

In the Brussels Capital Region, the Brussels Code regarding Public Planning of 9 April 2004 provides that the decision regarding a building permit is generally made by the municipal council (in some exceptional cases by the regional authorized public planning officer). The applicant can file an appeal against the decision with the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, to be submitted within 30 days after the day on which the decision is received. The appeal is forwarded to the Public Planning College, which issues an advice within 75 days.The Government decides on the matter within 60 days of receiving this advice. A separate mechanism for appeal is available for the municipal council if it wishes toappeal a permit decision made by the public planning officer.Against the decisions in appeal, an appeal in (suspension and) annulation with the Council of State remains possible.Please note that these appeal procedures only apply to permitsapplied for after 1 September 2019.The appeal procedure for permits applied for before this date, is slightly different.

In the Walloon Region, the Code for Territorial Development provides that the decision regarding a permit is again made in most cases by the municipal council (in some exceptional cases by the regional authorized public planning officer). The applicant (or the municipal council in the case of a decision of the regional authorized public planning officer) can file an appeal against the decision with the Government of the Walloon Region. Against this decision, an appeal in (suspension and) annulation can be filed with the Council of State.