REALWorld Law

Planning / zoning

Rights of appeal

Is there a right of appeal against a relevant authority's decision in respect of an application for permission for development or the carrying on of a designated use?

UK - England and Wales UK - England and Wales

UK - England and Wales

The applicant has a right of appeal against a relevant authority's decision to refuse planning permission, or the failure of the authority to reach a decision within the relevant timescales. The appeal is made to an independent inspector (from a body called the Planning Inspectorate in England and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales in Wales) appointed by the Secretary of State (ie a senior member of the Government, a politician appointed by the Prime Minister) or the Welsh Ministers.

There is no third party right of appeal against the grant of planning permission but third parties may bring judicial review proceedings in the High Court if they can show that the decision of the relevant authority may have been made unlawfully.