REALWorld Law

Planning / zoning

Other relevant statutory permits

Which other statutory permit regimes must be considered in relation to planning/zoning and development?

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

As part of the review process for the issue of building or work permits, other statutory authorities (telephone, civil defence, road transport, electricity, water, and sewerage) are all required to provide approvals for the scheme. Once completed, a Municipal Completion Certificate must be obtained from the relevant municipality, which is based on a comparison of the drawings originally submitted to obtain the building permit (and any subsequent, approved revisions) and the actual structure which has been built.

Again, as part of this process, the approval of other statutory authorities (telephone, civil defence etc) is required to demonstrate compliance of what has been built with the original approvals. Without a Municipal Completion Certificate, use and occupation of the building by end users is not permitted.